If you’re contemplating a house move in the near future, you may well be wondering what you’re going to do with your existing fireplace. Perhaps the one you currently in your home is a design you’re really happy with, and so you’re looking into whether it’s possible to get one just like it when you’re in your new place. Well, it’s worth knowing that depending on the model of fire you currently have and the fuel you use, you may well have the potential of taking it with you. If so, that could save you some money. And as we know, budget always tends to be an important consideration when you’re in the process of a house move. Or perhaps you’re currently just focusing on getting a new fireplace for your house, and you have no imminent house move planned. Still, it's worth finding out if you can move it in future if you do relocate. Now is the time to think ahead. Cutting to the chase, you’ll find with electric fireplace it’s a very different story to gas, for example. Here are a few of the things you should bear in mind.
Here in the UK, fireplaces tend to be treated as the heart and soul of the home. Moving yours with you when you leave could help you feel at home in your new abode that bit quicker. If you choose an electric fireplace, it could be as easy as unplugging and picking it up to put in the removal van. Plug it back in at the other end and it's as easy as that. Okay, there may be a few extra screws, but the chances are it’s a reasonably straightforward job. That’s why electric fireplaces are an excellent choice if you’re renting or likely to move around a few more times before you finally settle down.
With a gas fireplace, in theory, it is possible to take it with you. But, rather like some solid fuel burners, because of the way gas fireplace, there will be some work that’s needed doing on the wall to get it out of its current setting, and there’s no promise that it’ll come out in one piece. Either the back panel or the hearth is quite likely to suffer some damage in the process. And remember, you’ll have to make good on the old installation before you go, which can mean considerable extra cost in materials and labour. What’s more, gas disconnection and installation has to be done by a qualified engineer. Compare all that with an electric fireplace and there's no contest. Add to that the fact that once a gas fireplace has been removed from its original installation, the warranty may no longer hold. What’s more, many qualified engineers will be reluctant to fit any second-hand appliance because of the possible problems going forward, especially with a voided warranty. Of course, with a gas installation, you must ask for permission from your landlord, whether you’re moving out of rented accommodation or moving into a tenancy. It’s just all much easier with electric.
That’s why our recommendation would be to opt for an electric fireplace if you’re intending to take it with you and to take advice from a trusted heating engineer if you really are intending to relocate your beloved gas or solid fuel fireplace. With any luck, you’ll find a professional who might be prepared to remove it and then fit it again. But you know what we'd do instead. We'd choose electric.